B92 and the death of Milosevic

International TV crews gathered outside the parliament. Some delivered the news in tones that matched the atmosphere, others seemed more excited. What was clear was that talking to local journalists offered a far more accurate assessment of what was really happening than listening to some of the international anchors in front of the cameras.
Considering Milosevic used to draw crowds in their hundreds of thousands, it was interesting to see that only a few thousand turning out to lay flowers. Most were middle aged or older. All seemed genuinely distressed. The young appeared to want to move on. One young journalist friend of mine told me that he felt it was important people try to understand the grief of the old and poor Milosevic supporters in order to help the country achieve closure.

On the day the body returned to Belgrade the B92 evening bulletin devoted half the programme to the event. A B92 crew came under verbal attack from Milosevic supporters during the making of one of the news packages, but nobody was seriously hurt.
I left Belgrade the eve of the funeral and return in eight days.
Client: B92
Media Development Organisation: The BBC World Service Trust
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